#27 Near-Death Experience

“The fear of death disappears.”

What if our death, that we spend so much time, energy and expense trying to avoid, is a positive rather than negative experience?

Many of us fear death and the medical field is responding with research and experiments to extend life: “Dr. Yang is trying to make pig organs safe to transplant into people. … [His] team is working to adapt the pig immune system so the organs won’t be rejected when transplanted. All of this is tricky and time-consuming.”[i] 

But what if we could get beyond our fear of death? Consider the distinction between the dominant human paradigm wherein the fear of death drives much of our behavior and a new story that transcends the fear of death. This would be a paradigm shift from P-B to P-A, or in other words, Transcendence from dualism to Oneness, from fear and struggle to joy and peace. This shift has occurred for the many thousands who have undergone a near-death experience. 

Insight # 27 comes to us from Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. (1913-2002) an internationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer.

“The near-death experience is not local in setting. One enters a much grander and more splendid domain. An infinite, radiant love is always present. There is a distinct awareness that a state of revelation is occurring, and calibrated levels of consciousness show a sharp increase. One sign of the experience is that the personality changes and results in transformation. These changes are often quite noticeable. Often, there is a major shift of attitude and diminished interest in worldliness. The fear of death disappears.”[ii] 


Additional Reading:


#27 Near-Death Experience

[i]   Weintraub, Karen. “”Medicine.” The New York Times. May 27, 2018, p. 3.   

[ii]   Hawkins, David. The Eye of the I. Sedona, Arizona: Veritas Publishing, 2001, pp. 163-164. 

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