#80 The Great Denial

“sleeping our way through life”

In Simple Reality the Great Denial describes humanity’s failure to acknowledge or accept the Truth that we live in a perfect paradise, a friendly Universe (Paradigm-A), and that we have the opportunity to manifest that Truth every day.

Denial is like “burying your head in the sand” which means you are trying to avoid a situation by pretending it doesn’t exist. Further it means a person accepts no responsibility.

We humans choose every day to live in a Paradigm-B world of fear and hate, we choose to endure endless suffering and chaos, and then we strongly deny that we are making that choice! As unbelievable as that may be, we then further lament the sad condition of the world that we have created. No other species behaves in such a self-destructive way.

Apparently we accept a Paradigm-B worldview because it’s what we know and because the illusions of plenty, pleasure and power seem so “real,” like a mirage in a hot desert.

Humanity has bought tickets on the Titanic called Earth. And we all know, but consistently deny, that our Earth ship is sinking. We frantically rearrange our deck chairs, overeat at the buffet, or dance in the starlight, but these are simply distractions.

Insight # 80 comes to us from Roy Charles Henry (b. 1938). He is the creator of The Simple Reality Project. 

“The unconscious behavior of denying Simple Reality [the Truth] explains our delusional behavior as human beings. The cause of this Great Denial is fear which provides the energy for continuous reactions needed to distract us from our natural state of being and which always underlies Paradigm-B. We live within a perfect Creation, as perfect expressions of the Implicate Order, with no reason to be afraid but we are unaware of where and who we are. We are essentially sleeping our way through life.”[i] 


Additional Reading:


#80 The Great Denial

[i]   Henry, Roy Charles. “The Great Denial.” The ABC’s Of Simple Reality, Vol 1. May 2018, p. 127. 

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