Truth #23 – Losing Our Grip on Civilization: Fear

When the passions relax their hold, we are freed
from the grasp not of one mad master, only, but of many.

“Anxiety is epidemic–over 40 million Americans struggle with the condition, a number that is surely only growing at the moment–but it’s especially pervasive in pregnancy and the immediate postpartum period.”[i]  We cannot blame mothers for anxiety related to bringing a child into the world we have created. “‘Sometimes’ said the Rev. Richard Gibson, whose 101-year-old church stands in Slavic Village [Cleveland, Ohio], ‘it feels like we’re losing our grip on civilization.’”[ii]


Supplemental Reading: Fear, The ABC’s of Simple Reality, Vol 1


#23 Losing Our Grip on Civilization

[i]       Cahalan, Susannah. “Mother!” The New York Times Book Review. May 10, 2020, p. 15.

[ii]       Robertson, Campbell. “Covid’s Hardships Fray Struggling Community.” The New York Times. January 3, 2020, p. 17.

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