Changeless Change

The more we experience “Reality,” the more we see that it is changeless. Only that which does not change is “Real.” This type of statement does boggle the mind a bit but it is important that we stay in the saddle on this “ornery critter” until it is “broken,” tamed and begins to settle down. Then we will have a truly noble steed that will take us where we all need to go, which is, of course … nowhere.

Simple Reality is ironically hard to grasp by the human intellect because the intellect is used to complexity and finds simplicity disorienting. As an example let’s revisit Krishnamurti’s deceptively simple summation when asked to recap a several day teaching on the principles of Simple Reality. In one sentence it was all there: “I don’t mind what is happening.” We understand that sentence to mean that: “I don’t react” or “I relax, breathe, remain calm and wait until I can respond,” or “I employ The Point of Power Practice and my whole life becomes a meditation,” or “Everything is perfect the way that it is,” or “It’s not about how one’s life goes, but how one goes with one’s life.” Or finally, “I am going nowhere; I am just enjoying being a perfect creation in a perfect universe, perfect just as it is.”

The intellect will regard such statements as little more than nonsense and it will be correct in that Simple Reality entails transcending conventional thinking and in fact does transcend thinking altogether. We leave the mind and enter the realm of “feeling,” which is a much more profound state of being because we have “re-awakened” to our connection to the ultimate reality—that which we are—we are THAT.

No need to change because we are Perfection inseparable from the perfection of all Creation. We are perfect energy and if we have ceased to identify with the illusion of form—with mind, body and emotions—we are free, liberated, at peace. We truly don’t mind what’s happening.

Therefore, we can come to understand that it is our reactions which take us out of P-A into the unsatisfactory experience of P-B. We can transcend our suffering by learning not to react, by learning that we have the choice of responding. When we react we are not being our true self. Compassion is natural for us—fear, anger, jealousy and hatred are not natural—that’s why we experience suffering, despair and agony when caught up in these behaviors. It is time that we Americans begin to have this conversation, mind-boggling or not. What doesn’t make sense is to accept a nightmarish, painful and ugly mirage as the experience of life when we can choose instead the paradise of perfection. 


Much more can be found in the book Simple Reality: The Key to Serenity and Survival, available for purchase on

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