Abundance and Limitation

In a perfect universe there is, of course, nothing lacking. In such a universe abundance is a given and any kind of limitation is non-existent, the perception of a deluded mind. P-A is just such a universe.

From the “other side” we have the voice of Seth in the book by Jane Roberts, his “channeler.”  “The very consciousness within the smallest molecules cry out against any ideas of limitation. They yearn toward new forms and experiences. Even atoms, then, constantly seek to join in new organizations of structure and meaning. They do this ‘instinctively.’”[i]

We can and do choose either abundance or limitation when we choose either P-A or P-B as our story.

Abundance and Limitation

[i]     Roberts, Jane. The Nature of Personal Reality. New York: Bantam, 1974, p. xx.

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