The process of understanding P-A will involve far more un-learning than learning. Most of what we know in the relative context of P-B is not true, is an illusion or is not profound enough to be useful in achieving the goal of a paradigm shift.
All human beings bring their own unique gifts and potential for creativity into this life. To be truly creative, no aspect of reality can be ignored or rejected including our Shadow. Csikszentmihalyi, the author of Flow, reminds us that, “As long as we disown the shadow, we are never whole or satisfied [and] we stifle our creativity.”[i]
We would do well to also acknowledge Dreams, another aspect of life that can enrich the creative process. “Igor Stravinsky dreamed of a young gypsy girl playing the violin to amuse a child, and he included the motif in his Petit Concert.”[ii] Since all of Creation is involved in the struggle to awaken we should not be surprised to see these connections between creativity and all other aspects of awareness. All is one.
There is, of course, a marked difference between the creative act occurring in the present moment and trying to create within the context of P-B. Without the “flow” experienced in the NOW, we will not reach our most profound expression of truth and beauty.
[i] Juline, Kathy. “Peak Experience and Creative Flow.” Science of Mind. Los Angeles: September 1997, p. 46.
[ii] Ferrucci, Piero. Inevitable Grace. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1990, p. 63.