In P-B free will is an illusion because we are unconscious of the basic habitual drives that determine our behavior. So when we think we are exercising our so-called free will and making decisions based on our own self-interest, we are actually making decisions that are leading to self-destruction. Our decisions are, in fact, based on the cravings and aversions that Buddha realized inevitably led to suffering. So instead of experiencing freedom we are hopelessly imprisoned in P-B.
We often think that it is our free will that distinguishes us from other animals and makes us superior—but not so fast there, arrogant fellow homo sapiens. The energy centers of the false self are for the most part unconsciously determining our behavior and in effect operate like instinctive drives. Our behavior is more automatic than we would like to believe. Any freedom that we would like to claim is largely delusional. We have yet to claim the fruits of free will and will remain captives of a primitive story blindly driven to a self-destruction that even “lesser” animals avoid. Only in the narrative of Simple Reality will we have true free will. Only then will we be able to claim the fruits of compassion, joy, happiness, peace, and freedom.