And still more often the condemned is the burden bearer
for the guiltless and unblamed. You cannot separate the just from the unjust and the good from the wicked; For they stand together before the face of the sun even as the black thread and the white are woven together.
— Kahlil Gibran[i]
In the perfect narrative of P-A, the only story with substantial reality, we, of course, have perfect justice. How does that work? Characteristic of our sustainable story, it works in a very simple and uncomplicated way and it is administered immediately through the law of cause and effect (karma). Too good to be true? You decide, after all, that’s your responsibility.
Human beings are self-punishing beings with no need of a criminal justice system, except of course in P-B. As soon as a person “reacts,” which is our definition of a “crime,” as many of us know, that person “suffers.” The punishment is instantaneous. The global village has seven billion people living out their karma (cause and effect) in P-B experiencing the reality of the First Noble Truth that “life is suffering.”
The need for a criminal justice system in P-B is occasioned by the fact that we are unconscious and yet, ironically, not culpable. “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” Nevertheless, unconscious people must be protected from one another, hence our system of laws and its consequences. Does this system work? No! None of the institutions in P-B “work.” By definition, all of our institutions in the global village are in a state of dysfunction.
However, a person who lives in the present moment and in a state of response, exhibits compassion and is incapable of an unconscious act, which is what crimes are essentially. A response, however, is the act of making a decision not to commit a crime or self-destructive act. Hence, we have perfect justice in P-A. Remember that the effect of P-A is to provide a context for a radical change in self-destructive human behavior. That fundamental truth should be sufficient motivation for all of us to begin transcending our P-B karma with The Point of Power Practice.
[i] Gibran, Kahlil. The Prophet. New York: Knopf, 1923, p. 41.