Solitude is one of the three elements of the formula for how a life centered in P-A is lived.
That formula is: S + S + S = S
simplicity plus solitude plus silence equals serenity
When from our better selves we have been too long
Been parted by the hurrying world…
— Wordsworth
William Wordsworth goes on to say more about the desirability of solitude: “‘How gracious, how benign, is Solitude’ especially when it has an ‘appropriate human centre.’”[i] That appropriate human center is a wholesome context like Simple Reality. In the present moment we are connected to the implicate order from which flows the serenity, the “feeling” of which Wordsworth speaks.
I now bask in the solitude that was so painful to me in my youth.
— Albert Einstein
[i] Magill, Frank N. [ed.]. Masterpieces of World Literature. New York: Harper, 1989, p. 726.